My family background is just farming for generations I know. I used to go to farms with my family. I do love farming a lot but economics didn’t work out due to various reasons. I just came out of it and did my masters in Pharmacy. Working as a Pharmacist in community pharmacy, dealing with all illnesses, medicines of my customers I constantly thinking of health. Usually we think of health only when we get sick. I strongly believe in Prevention is better than cure. Then I started working on what we eat and drink. Mostly the food we are getting now grows thousands of miles away. So the vegetables are harvested unripened, added preservatives, traveled thousands of miles and stored in cold storage’s for durability of the produce. During this whole process, the produce loses 50to 60% of nutrients. Most of the farms in New Jersey are open seasonally because of weather restrictions. So I decided to produce high quality Microgreens as part of my responsibility towards my community. Now we proudly announce we are growing Microgreens 365 days a year.

To make a long story short, Farming is a natural instinct in my DNA. I decided to produce top notch healthiest and highly nutritious microgreens.